Identify key customer moments to ask for endorsements, referrals and intros.

Then make it easy as hell for them to actually do it.

Answer three simple questions to know if this is for you:

1. Are you a service-delivery and/or relationship-driven business with frequent customer interaction?

2. Do you lack a macro-view of important customer milestones and how your key customer relationships are evolving?

3. Do you want to put an easy structure in place for getting the most from your champion customers — by way of testimonials, referrals, and more business — all orchestrated at the right time?

If you said yes to all three, we can help you.


Our Services

  • Client testimonials & case studies

    • Identify your champion customers at the right moment in the customer journey

      • Based on your CRM and sales data

      • Based on qualitative comms (email, phone transcriptions) between your customer and Key Account Manager

    • Generate instant case-studies ready for customer approval

      • Based on each unique customer context

      • Based on key items you want it to highlight about your business

    • Repurpose it instantly for various channels

      • Social media

      • Sales and marketing collateral

      • Company website

      • Other content

  • Control Center View for Leadership

    • Real-time prioritisation of all your customers

      • Stack-ranked and dynamically changing based on realised revenue, growth potential, and evolution of the customer relationship based on sentiment analysis

    • Key insights about all your important customers

      • How strong is the relationship based on frequency and quality of interactions?

      • What are potential risks or key dependencies?

      • Historical context

    • All milestones - present and future - outlined

      • What stage is the customer currently in?

      • What should the next steps be?

      • Who is responsible for executing?
